
Showing posts from December, 2021

Fashion And Fashion Business

There will also be a particular emphasis on fashion branding strategies for product innovations, ranges and organisations. The commercial aspect of the brand and the building of brand equity will be the major focus of the unit, together with its contribution to the overall strategy of the business. All higher education providers registered with the OfS must have a student protection plan in place. The student protection plan sets out what students can expect to happen should a course, campus, or institution close. This unit is an is an opportunity to initiate a self-directed body of work that responds to a personal design philosophy aimed at a defined consumer and specific Sportswear market level. Where a placement is not undertaken, you will study the following final year units. Have a look at our Careers and Employability pages to find out more. Applicants who do not meet the minimum requirements for the three-year undergraduate programme, or those who do not feel fully prepared f

Ba Hons Fashion Business With Foundation Year

Kick off your career in the dynamic and rewarding fields of sport, fitness and coaching . If you’re passionate about helping others and being active, this degree gives you essential skills to help people meet their goals, with a range of additional qualifications available. This course offers you the chance to gain Qualified Teacher Status in just 12 weeks. Our Assessment Only route is specially designed to support graduates who have at least two years' experience as an unqualified teacher. Chemical & Process Engineering Phd, Mphil Lastly, we have our optional life drawing sessions which run every Thursday's afternoon is a great chance to have a little break from spending most of your time in your studio space working on your projects. Going to the life drawing session I have the great chance to see the human figure, as well as being given the fantastic opportunity to draw models. If you study abroad between your second and third year of study, you’ll pay no tuition fee

Ba Hons Fashion Design And Technology

This module is designed to enable you to develop the key critical thinking skills necessary for university study and beyond. Through a combination of lectures and small group seminars the class will discuss many of the key issues that underpin discussion of all academic disciplines. The lectures will introduce key themes and issues that enable students to make sense of the world in a critical fashion while the seminars will allow students to discuss these issues and engage with key readings each week. You are encouraged to apply these abstract concepts to your specific degree path. If you’d like to, you can do a one-year foundation course before you apply for an undergraduate degree. We’ll teach you about every stage of the fashion cycle from concept to sales. Together we’ll explore how to create a socially responsible company. In your first year, you will be introduced to the fundamental principles and techniques required to creatively explore fashion design and the associated tech